AP World History Final Project: D
___Silks Roads
- The Black Death spread, killing thousands of people and influencing Medieval artwork.
- There were more jobs in China due to the higher demand for specialized labor.
- The Chinese north and south were intergrated by the Grand Canal.
- China diffused silk and gunpowder.
- Indo-European languages, broze metallurgy, and horses, diffused from Europe/Mediterranean region to China.
- Traders became distinct social groups and set up diaspora communties.
- China started to use paper money.
- The Silk Roads and the Ottoman empire influenced the Europeans to find other routes to Asia, leading to the large scale trades in the Americas.
___Mediterranean Trade
- Italian merchants set up colonies around the Mediterranean and Black Sea areas, adding to the idea that traders became distinct social groups and set up diaspora communties.
- The Hanseatic League was set up in Northern European countries, around northern rivers and the Baltic Sea area.
- Banking and credit developed in the Byzantine empire/ Mediteranean region.
- Merchants started going into partnerships.
___Indian Ocean Trade
- There were more jobs in India due to the higher demand for specialized labor, the textile indusrty flourished.
- The technology adavanced (ex: lateen sails, rudders, big dhows & junk ships, astrolabes, compasses, and knowledge of the monsoon winds, etc), adding to the productivity and larger scale of trade.
- Islam spread through the region because of the Caliphate empire.
- India had major trading ports with people coming from east and west.
- Muslims,Hindus,Buddhists, and Jews exchanged their cultures, stories, art, sciences, and ideas.
- The Portugeuse set up trading posts around Africa to acess the Indian Ocean Trade.
___Triangular Trade Route
- Native ecosystems were disrupted from the introduction of pigs, horses, chickens.
- The native soil was displaced for the planting of foreign crops like potatoes, etc.
- Indians died from foreign diseases because they weren't immune (chicken pox, inluenza, measles).
- Millions of Africans were enslaved and shipped overseas.
- Slave dealers in Africa became rich off of the slave trade.
- African populations were displaced because of the loss of males.
- Wars broke out in Africa so slave dealers could catch more people.
- The cash crop industry developed, made Europeans lots of money.
- Larger scale companies started to form, such as the Dutch East India Trading Company and its English counterpart.
___American Trade
- The Aztec empire expanded through coquering others and collecting tribute.
- The Inca empire traded within itself and long distance trade was supervisied.
- The silver trade exploited native americans and made Porugal,China, and Japan richer.
- Native populations also died out from diseases like measles, small pox,typhus, influenza, etc.
___Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
- Trade diminished in local economies.
- Technology such as saddles, caravans, and stirrups developed.
- The Bantus spread metallurgy, bannanas, and their language.
- The Islamic Calpihates prospered and Muslim diasporic communities were established.